Becoming an Angel Investor: What you Need to Know When Investing in a Start-up with Agustín Rubini

LS International

Nowadays, the market is full of start-ups, new ideas, and new businesses.
To be updated on this relevant topic, we have decided to invite Agustín Rubini, Co-Founder at Angel Investor School, a company that helps you find relevant information on how to invest in early-stage businesses.

He will explain to us why, having the capital, is worth it to invest in a Start-up, how to do it, and which are the main benefits and risks.
From the other side, he will give us some insights on what the founder of a new business should be looking for in his own investors.

Topics Covered:

• Why a successful leader of a Blue Chip company should invest in a Start-up?
• What are the benefits and the risks of becoming an Angel Investor?
• What is the expected rate of return for an Angel Investor?
• Which are the steps you need to follow to invest in a Start-up?
• What makes a great Angel Investor?

If you would like to check out this conversation in video, please follow this link